Tip Tuesday - Why do my posts have less reach than yours on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Nov 26, 2019

Why do my posts have less reach than yours on LinkedIn?

Why does LinkedIn even send people your posts?

Do second degree connections come into play when considering how much reach your post gets?

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Tip Tuesday - What tool are you using to comment so quickly on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Nov 19, 2019

So how do you use templates for comments on LinkedIn to actually save time?

Most people think that you have to, you know, come up with comments on the fly and you only have five minutes to engage each day. What do you do?


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Tip Tuesday - How do you control what you see on your LinkedIn feed?

tip tuesday Nov 12, 2019

How do you filter your feed so only relevant information shows up rather than a bunch of random stuff?

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Tip Tuesday - How do I find the best keywords to use on my site?

tip tuesday Nov 05, 2019

What is the number one keyword that you want to rank for? For me, I want Social Sellin to rank for "LinkedIn Course" or "Learn Linkedin" HBU? - I had a great conversation with Darren Carter, MD about how to find keywords for your LinkedIn profile using the AdWords keyword planner tool. We used Zoom to record this video in a quick meeting. We did not even need to show our faces, I made my browser full screen and recorded us talking to an expert!


Who do you want to interview? 

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Tip Tuesday - Is it worth paying for sales navigator or LinkedIn premium?

tip tuesday Oct 29, 2019

One of the benefits of using LinkedIn Premium is that you can actually see who viewed your profile. That, I think, is the most important reason why people should pay. It's kind of like caller ID, so for example, I had 14,311 people that saw my profile in the past 90 days, my goal is to have 1,000 people see my profile every single week, that's my goal. But I want to see who saw my profile, so I could send them messages. You could see this guy over here, I can quickly send them messages, I can connect with people. Could you imagine if you knew exactly every human being that came to your website, who they were, where they worked, what they did for a living? And if they are an ideal client for you? This is the reason that I think it's really important for people to pay for LinkedIn.

Sales Navigator is really cool because it gives you the ability to search and to manage leads and to get updates from people. So one of my favorite things about Sales Navigator is the advanced search for...

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Tip Tuesday - How do I know if the right people are looking at my profile on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Oct 22, 2019

Set a goal as to who the people are that you want to look at your profile; what are their titles? Make sure that you're connected to them. Make sure that you're messaging them, make sure that you're engaging with them, and make sure that you're posting and that they can see your posts. And that's really the key, posting, engaging, and messaging daily.

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Tip Tuesday - How do I come up with clever comments on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Oct 15, 2019

One of my recent articles is "Not Sure What To Say in the Comments? Want Dozens of Ideas for Comments That You Can Build?" So just have a list, and here's what I tell people. Here is a list of things that you can say. "What a great post, thank you for sharing. "I love this, it's amazing, "you're outstanding, yes, I agree. "Following this, I appreciate your post, "Yes, it's valuable."

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Tip Tuesday - Is It OK to tag people on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Oct 08, 2019

I've never had anybody get mad at me for tagging them in posts on LinkedIn because I do it in a classy way. I tag people that are in my photos.I tag people that have relevant opinions to share. I tag people who I'm showing gratitude towards or that have left me a testimonial.

When you tag people that you actually have a relationship with, it's not a problem.

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Tip Tuesday - Is it worth using LinkedIn if I know my ideal client is not on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Oct 01, 2019

It's still worth using LinkedIn even if you know for a fact that your ideal client is not on LinkedIn because the people that are on LinkedIn know your ideal client off LinkedIn. You see, the purpose of LinkedIn is not to sell to your ideal client, but it's to build a relationship with people that actually know your ideal clients. So if you have a network of 200, 300, 500, 1000 people that know you, like you and trust you, chances are, those people have an offline relationship with your ideal target market.

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Tip Tuesday - Is there a difference in exposure when posting using an app vs organic?

tip tuesday Sep 24, 2019

Some people say that there is a difference in terms of exposure when you're using tools. I haven't seen a difference.

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